Mental Preparation for Athletes
and its Application in Business

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Toulouse, France – In September, we welcomed the athletes Maïlys Piazzalunga and Kane Palma-Newport for an exclusive conference. They shared with us their keys to adapting the state of mind of top-level athletes to the professional world.

Maïlys and Kane: two remarkable athletes

Maïlys is a member of the French bouldering team. For the World Cup, the European Cup, or other competitions, MP is delighted to support this athlete in the pursuit of her sporting goals.

Rugby player in Pro D2 at Colomiers and PMO at MIGSO-PCUBED for an aeronautical client, Kane does everything to progress, both in project mode and in the field! He regularly translates his sporting mentality to project management as a manager and consultant.

Radically different profiles, a single lesson: "Trust the Process"

Despite their different backgrounds, Maïlys and Kane’s advice on how to succeed in our professional, sporting, or personal projects was the same.

Here are the main points they covered:

  • The need to set short-, medium- and long-term goals,
  • Resilience, the art of accepting low points,
  • The importance of professionalism and consistency in our attitude.

An event designed to enrich our employees' experience

The evening brought together around 60 people from the company. After an hour’s informative talk, we continued the evening with a cocktail reception. It was an opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere and strengthen the bonds between participants, without sweating as much as during a team-building activity!

This event was also a way for MIGSO-PCUBED to demonstrate its commitment to excellence, team spirit, and enriching its employees’ experience.


MIGSO-PCUBED is the world leader for Project Management and PMO consulting. With a team of specialists reaching across Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia, we have become the trusted delivery partner for the most recognizable brands around the world. Working in the fields of aeronautics, defense, automotive, transportation, financial services, energy, public sectors, and beyond, we help our clients to turn their biggest ideas into reality. We adapt our solutions to their culture as well as leverage the latest technologies and best practices to bring the greatest value.