MIGSO-PCUBED at PMI Houston 2019

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MIGSO-PCUBED partnered with the local Project Management Institute Chapter for the 2019 PMI Conference – Project You, held on June 3rd and 4th. Both Panayiotis “Takis” Melas and TaJuana Antwine, participated as speakers during the annual symposium in Houston, Texas.

Panayiotis “Takis” Melas, Senior Consultant & Agile Coach with MIGSO-PCUBED, presented a session about “Untangling Agile Estimation”. He focused on the obstacles organizations have to overcome while starting a transition to Agile, including grappling with proper estimation techniques as teams adopt the new methodology.

TaJuana Antwine, Principal Consultant with MIGSO-PCUBED, talked about going from “From Fragile to Agile”. She discussed the change management support required to change the hearts and minds of those die-hard waterfall supporters in an Agile world. In addition, TaJuana held a session on the “Project Manager as a Consultant”.

Thank you to the entire team who supported the two day event, and special thanks to Takis and TaJuana for their insights and for continuing to give back to our profession.

MIGSO-PCUBED's Houston team
TaJuana Antwine and Panayiotis “Takis” Melas

Interested in participating next year? Save the date and join us for the next PMI Conference in Houston, TX, on June 15th and 16th, 2020. We look forward to seeing you there!

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