From Business Manager in Toulouse to Senior Business Unit Manager in Munich: A closer look at relocating with MP

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In this interview, find out more about Vincent Capus’ career journey, his experience of moving countries, and the challenges he faces on a daily basis as Senior Business Unit Manager in Munich, Germany.

MP: What is your background at MIGSO-PCUBED and what is your current role?

Vincent: My adventure began in September 2019 as a Business Manager at the Toulouse headquarters, where I was able to discover MIGSO-PCUBED’s DNA and corporate culture.

In January 2022, I was promoted to Business Unit Manager, with greater responsibility for the Toulouse hub.

Then, in October 2022, I moved to Munich, our German head office, where I am now Senior Business Unit Manager.

Today, I’m responsible for our Munich office and our activities in southern Germany.

MP: Why did you move from Toulouse to Munich?

Vincent: After three years in France, I wanted to broaden my international experience and challenge myself.

I was offered the Munich project, and although I didn’t speak any German, I didn’t hesitate to apply!

Germany is a high-potential market for our company, and I was immediately motivated by the idea of being able to contribute to the development of our activities there.

MP: How was your transition from Toulouse to Munich? How is life in Germany?

Vincent: To be honest, it all happened extremely quickly. It took me just one day to agree to this international move, and eight days later I was on a flight from Toulouse to Munich.

The transition went very smoothly, as I was supported by the company from A to Z, both in terms of finding accommodation and the administrative procedures involved in relocating abroad.

I was also warmly welcomed by the Munich team right from the start, which gently eased my integration.

MP: Have you encountered any difficulties outside work?

Vincent: Given that I did not speak any German when I arrived, I would be lying if I said that everything was easy from the start. Fortunately, English is widely spoken in Germany, and Munich is an international community.

So it’s relatively easy to make new acquaintances, and people are generally very welcoming and approachable.

Over the last twelve months, I’ve also taken German courses, which allowed me to make rapid progress.

The only “difficulty” I’ve encountered so far revolves around my passion for rugby.

As a big fan of the French national team, the World Cup is a very important event for me, and the Germans don’t have the same passion for the sport (but I intend to pass it on to them!).

MP: What advice would you give to a Business Manager looking to move to France or abroad?

Vincent: My best advice would be: “Don’t think too much when an opportunity presents itself to you, seize it!

Relocating to another country can only be positive one: it makes us grow and mature both personally and professionally.


MP: What projects are MP Germany currently working on?

Vincent: Today, we operate in eight business sectors (Aeronautics, Space, Automotive, Naval, IT, Energy, Rail, Pharmaceuticals) where we support our customers in the realization of their projects, with our teams of consultants specializing in project management & PMO.

MP: What have your main achievements been since your arrival?

Vincent: My main objective for the start of 2023 was to develop our business, while working on diversifying our business sectors.

With my team of Business Managers, we focused on acquiring new customer accounts while continuing to develop our relationships with existing customers.

To ensure our growth, we also had to recruit, and this was made possible by the excellent work of our recruitment department.

We now have more than 50 consultants in the Munich hub, and this is just the beginning, given the potential that the German market represents for MIGSO-PCUBED.

The year 2023 has therefore been an important one for our hub, enabling us to structure ourselves and invest, while remaining true to our values of commitment, excellence and team spirit.

MP: What do you like best about working for MIGSO-PCUBED?

Vincent: As Senior Business Unit Manager, I have many responsibilities: developing sales activities with my teams of Business Managers, coaching Business Managers, taking part in recruitment interviews to identify future talent, financial management, managing operational activities, deploying Group strategy

I never get bored, thanks to new challenges arising every day.

Finally, what drives me is the feeling of team spirit that I get on a daily basis, as well as the close relationship I have with my management, which are essential elements for me.

MP: After 4 years with MP, is there anything you’re particularly proud of that you’d like to share with us?

Vincent: What I’m particularly proud of is the fact that over the past four years, I’ve been able to contribute to MP’s development through three different functions and for two different countries (France and Germany).

I’m also very proud of my teams, who do an excellent job every day.

I know that together, we’ll continue to achieve great things that will fulfill our aspirations.

MP: Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Vincent!

Vincent Capus

Vincent Capus

Senior Business Unit Manager