Schedule Integration in Renewable Energy

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Innovation is crucial for any organization that intends to foster growth and change. That’s why our client, a world leader in renewable energy, wanted to develop a high-capacity, state-of-the-art windmill. The main intention is to sustain the growth of solutions available to lower the footprint produced by traditional energy in our world.

MIGSO-PCUBED was brought on board to provide dynamic scheduling KPIs and support the client’s schedule management for the above mentioned project.

Challenge: Aligning Schedules for Diverse Teams

The MP Team navigated through the business requirements and client expectations and identified that the project had high levels of complexity and uncertainty. Different causes produced these effects.

Firstly, the client’s team was a Matrix Organization, which consisted of different internal businesses, both within and outside the US. Inherently, a Matrix Organization elevates the complexity of tasks such as monitoring and controlling. 

Secondly, even though the project resources contained several schedules, the leaders of the various internal businesses managed these schedules independently. The need for an integration system between these schedules augmented the project’s uncertainty at the time of reporting incremental progress.

Lastly, the technology the client aimed to develop was state-of-the-art. Because of this, the project regularly went through changes and had a less straightforward path toward completion compared to other projects that the client had.

The client brought the MP team to integrate these schedules into a single governing file that could improve the internal KPI communications amongst the earlier-mentioned businesses. The team was also required to provide a solution to the inherent uncertainty of the project.

Solution: Schedule Integration & Reporting

The MP team developed a three-phased approach to integrating the project schedules: schedule quality assessment, schedule tool integration, and automated reporting set-up.

Assessment of Schedule Quality

After receiving the schedules from the project resources, the MP team analyzed their quality. The team then implemented the best practices necessary to improve schedule quality, such as:

  • Creating a WBS
  • Making every activity name start with a verb
  • Limiting the duration of activities to a maximum of thirty days
  • Achieving 100% schedule logic
  • Using the Finish-To-Start Relationship in over 90% of the activities

The MP team applied these best practices to over 2,000 activities.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Building the Integrated Schedule using Primavera P6

The MP team started integrating the schedule using Primavera P6 as the leading software. This decision benefitted the client, giving them the most robust scheduling software option and giving newfound visibility to the project within the company’s P6 International Portfolio. 

The governing schedule allowed the MP team to provide valuable KPIs to the client, such as Activity Float, On-Time Delivery Percentage per Subcomponent, and Critical Path. The team also created a Risk Register that complemented the scheduling information. These KPIs improved stakeholder communication and the monitoring of the project’s progress. 

The MP team implemented a monthly schedule management cycle, which received positive feedback from the project’s stakeholders. The team then brainstormed options to reduce the process from monthly to weekly.

Implementation of Power BI

The MP team used Power BI to complement Primavera P6. Leveraging the automation capabilities of this tool, we were able to reduce the time needed to calculate the KPIs. Simultaneously, by using the visualization capabilities, we could provide a more comprehensive project analysis.

Benefits: A Project Success

With the help of our schedule management cycle, the client received an automated dashboard displaying KPIs from the schedule every week. The client used it as a way of communicating information to high-level management as well as with each responsible stakeholder. Some of the tangible benefits that our solution brought to the client were: 

  • Over 2,000 activities were summarized into 15 sections, making the schedule easier to monitor
  • The schedule management cycle was reduced (from monthly to weekly)
  • 100% of Schedule Logic was achieved

Guided by the implementations of the MP Team, the uncertainty of this project was significantly reduced. The client benefited greatly from our solution’s capability to quickly identify delayed subcomponents, which led them to optimize their decision-making. Ultimately, our engagement provided visibility and accountability to the schedule and helped strengthen a culture of monitoring and controlling.

The management team’s feedback showed satisfaction with how the MP team handled the project.

"The MP Team is doing a great job identifying where we should focus our attention and making the best sense possible out of numerous activities and milestones."

This article was written by David Lopez.

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