Delivering PMaaS Excellence in Oil and Gas industry

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MIGSO-PCUBED was engaged by a significant oil and gas company to implement a flexible project and PM resources delivery model. Having worked together for over 20 years and across many of their business units, our consultants have helped the client drive portfolio optimization, save on complex turnaround and maintenance schedules, and deliver projects that realized key benefits within the organization.

The client specializes in oil and gas exploration and extraction, refined products, carbon capture, and renewables. They also focus on improving productivity by working on projects such as Next Generation ERP platforms, Cyber Security, Human Resources platforms, Supply Chain and Procurement, and Retail.

With so many complex projects and initiatives, our partnership with them has provided experienced and adaptable project and portfolio management capabilities. This is a key advantage of a Project Management as a Service (PMaaS) model, which was the case in this engagement.

Challenge: Seeking Efficiency in Resource Management

To drive cost savings and improve productivity, our client requested a flexible resourcing model, which enables an organization to adapt to the demand and scale of projects, utilize resource fluctuations to maintain knowledge, and maximize capacity. This model flexes the resources based on demand, complexity, and capacity required to deliver the projects.

The main challenge was to maximize the client’s resource management capabilities, which were previously inconsistent and unscalable. Maximizing their project management staff was especially needed for highly secure projects where external resources could not be employed.

MP’s ability to bring diverse consultants with a mix of capabilities and the ability to manage simple to complex projects allowed our client to trust us with a solution. The goal was to provide a flexible, lower-cost resourcing solution.

Solution: Developing a Flexible Resourcing Model

MP promptly mobilized a PMaaS team made up of a Delivery Manager and a mix of senior, mid-level, and junior project managers with Project Controls skills. This team structure, made up of several project managers, differs from other engagements, which tend to be staffed by a single project manager (PM) or a PM controller. Having a diverse team of PMs allows for more significant expertise and flexibility across different projects in the organization.

To implement this structure, MP followed a detailed transition plan, including ramp-up, demand planning, and best practices in delivery technology. MP delivered crucial Project Management functions, such as internal training, and developed the client’s onboarding plan.

Previously, the client was using Microsoft Project Enterprise for their resource management, which the MP team already understood and helped to run, thanks to our longstanding partnership. We could now pivot towards a more agile approach and manage projects within MS Azure DevOps (MS ADO).

By understanding their legacy system and the client’s working environment, our team smoothly transitioned the client’s approach to agile. Since the delivery method moved to Agile using SAFe, our team eventually transitioned towards a SMaaS (Scrum Master as a Service) model.

Benefits: Achieving Project Management Efficiency

Implementing a flexible resourcing model was very beneficial, allowing our client to assign their employees to high-value and secure projects. Within one year, the client already experienced approximately 20% savings in PM costs, which has continued in the years to date.

Our PMaaS teams are unique because we provide end-to-end service management, which reduces the burden on our client’s PMs and provides a positive team mix with greater flexibility. Not only was the new resource model efficient, but the new approach was successfully received by the client’s teams which contributed to the project’s effectiveness and sustainability. This acceptance was thanks to MP’s clear communication and collaboration with the client’s teams.

“I am very glad to have your expertise and high work ethic to contribute to this challenge. Your reliability and high quality of work are greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing working with you.”

This article was written by Alf Raju, Commercial Director at MIGSO-PCUBED USA.

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