Pioneering Project Management Services in Southern California

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  7. Pioneering Project Management Services in Southern California

(Irvine, CA) – MIGSO-PCUBED is a project management company supporting the Southern California metropolitan area and beyond. With more than 30 offices around the globe, we are the world’s leading consultancy dedicated to project, program, portfolio, and change management.

Opened in 2022, our Los Angeles office grew out of the Aerospace and Life Science industries.

Our location in Irvine allows our team to support San Diego, Orange County, and Los Angeles clients. Since then, and with the support of MP’s global team, we have expanded to support a wide range of projects for Fortune 100 customers across Automotive, Defense, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Transportation, Financial Services, Energy, and Public Sectors as they tackle some of the most complex initiatives.

Haven’t heard of us just yet? We are sometimes referred to as a best-kept secret in project management. However, looking at lagging overall project delivery track records, we wish to change that. Our goal is to help organizations successfully deliver their projects.

So, what makes us unique? To answer that, we met up with several team members to discuss.

Table of Contents

Improve Project Management Maturity with Agathe

Southern California is the heart of the industrial transformation in the United States, and I am proud to support our client’s Project Management operations as they contribute to the region’s success. 

In a rapidly changing world, MP plays a crucial role in supporting our partners with PMO changes and improvements – allowing our clients to remain on the cutting edge and fostering sustainable growth. With the Aerospace, Medical Device, and Life Sciences industries at the forefront of innovation, the region is poised for continued growth and advancement.

MP is not only a consulting firm, but they also work hands-on with our team to ensure the project’s success.

Some of the key challenges that we help our partners address include: 

  • Implementing Supply Chain PMOs 
  • Recovering, sustaining, and delivering Project Management performance 
  • Improving Project Management delivery
  • Training PMOs on organizational change management 
  • Supporting Digital Transformations

One of our greatest accomplishments since opening the MP Los Angeles hub was pioneering the Supply Chain PMO service offering. This innovative approach to project management standards for supply chains enables our clients to enhance their supply chain maturity while simultaneously supporting growth and major transformation projects. 

In one case, a leading international aerospace supplier struggled with major supply chain disruptions in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team quickly mobilized to restructure the client’s entire Supply Chain PMO to recover their operations, without causing further delays to their delivery. 

Through MP’s catered approach to Supply Chain Management, the client was able to improve their production efficiency by at least 200%. The client then began its exit strategy from onsite recovery management to normal operations between the client and its suppliers, improving the organization’s overall project management maturity.

Thanks to our global footprint and diverse network of consultants, we are able to deliver large-scale projects like these regardless of industry or business challenge. 

Another great example is our support for a pharmaceutical drug manufacturing client. In this instance, we mobilized a specialized PMO team of biotech project management consultants to manage a large group of validated projects from end to end, while ensuring that all operations met FDA and GxP (Good Practice) regulations and requirements. 

After MP’s arrival, the client recognized that the overall validation time was shortened dramatically, resulting in cost savings both for vendor contracts and for internal labor. MP’s standardized and well-documented approach was very well received by the client.

Thank you very much for keeping the team on course. It was a rocky project but perfectly managed!

As we’ve seen with our biotech clients, the Life Sciences sector in Southern California spans a wide spectrum of activities. From cutting-edge medical device technology to pharmaceutical advancements and drug development, the region is a hotbed of scientific progress. To highlight and expand on such innovation, our team has hosted several after-work events to discuss the synergies between IT and R&D PMOs in Life Sciences with our community.

Through conversations at these events and with our life science clients, one topic continuously emerges as a central component of success: change management. With our experience in the healthcare industry, we know that organizations are facing the demand for continuous improvement, for opportunities to reduce costs, and to quickly transform and adapt to new ways of working. That’s why we’re excited to offer organizational change management to deliver more value to our life science clients. 

Whether you’re looking to implement new technology across your organization, streamline your processes to increase efficiency, or ensure that changing regulatory requirements are consistently met, MP’s results-driven 8E change management approach will help you create the right environment to facilitate lasting transformation.

MP's Change Management Framework
MP's Change Management Framework

Agathe Vignolle, Business Unit Manager

Encouraging Professional Growth with Tuyet

In order to successfully deliver these large-scale projects for our clients, our Talent Acquisition Team knows how important it is to find the right consultants. Sometimes that means that they have relevant background experience in a given industry or aspect of delivery. Entering into an array of industries, from Aerospace to Life Science, for example, it can often be important that a consultant be familiar with the industry. 

That being said, soft skills are equally as important at MP. Depending on the role, technical experience isn’t as important as being a solid fit into MP’s company culture. Having a strong work ethic, good communication skills and a growth mindset shows that a candidate will be a great fit for our team culture as well. We are looking for consultants who want to continue developing their project management career in MP and who exemplify our team culture and spirit.

To supplement a candidate’s background experience, our Development, Innovation, and Performance of Services (DI&PS) team exists to offer training and support to our consultant base. Whether you’re looking to earn a certain project management certification (PMP, SME, SaFE, RTE, etc.) or learn a new software or tool (Microsoft Suite, Power BI, Clayverest, etc.), the DI&PS team offers training courses and 1:1 coaching sessions to help you take your consulting career to the next level. This is where that growth mindset really comes in; at MP, the growth and learning opportunities are endless.

I think that one of the key differentiating factors at MP is our comprehensive onboarding portal, which equips new team members with all the tools they need to be successful. The onboarding portal is full of information about the organization as a whole, the services we offer, and the industries that we support in a daily, weekly, and monthly checklist format. It also serves as a means to connect you with teams across the United States and globally. Regardless of your engagement, there is no shortage of opportunities to collaborate with hardworking and passionate MP teams both in Los Angeles and across the globe.

Tuyet Duong, Talent Acquisition Partner

Emphasizing Team Culture with Stephanie

One of the best things about working at MP is my co-workers and our team culture. I think that a major contributing factor to our excellent team culture in LA is our recent move to a new office space. When I started with the team in 2022, we were working out of a coworking space. It was really hard to foster unity in this environment because we were working so separately. 

Because of the massive growth of our team and our client base in LA, we officially opened our own office in 2023. We added collaborative areas, coworking locations, and improved our office technology while retaining individual offices for privacy. This has been a fantastic improvement to our team culture – allowing us to work collaboratively but also create bonds outside of work.  

Across our teams, our consultants have a breadth of occupational diversity. We have team members with backgrounds in supply chain roles and operations, project management, and more general consulting roles. I love the opportunity to work with people with different perspectives and experiences, some more technical and others logistically focused, to holistically deliver successful projects. 

But beyond our team’s professional backgrounds, our team is very representative of the Southern California region because we are very culturally diverse. Across our team, almost everyone comes from different walks of life. Not only does this allow our team’s unique perspectives on the business challenges that we help our clients address, but it also fosters a fantastic team culture in our hub. 

One of my favorite things about my team is our monthly potluck lunches. We started off by each bringing a dish that was representative of either our culture or our childhood to share with the team, with information about why it’s so important to us. This initial potluck lunch turned into a monthly event, as a means to ensure that the team gets together regularly to forge real friendships with our coworkers.

It’s really important to our LA team and MP at a global level to give back to our community as well. Just this summer, we participated in a clean-up of Laguna Beach. We also recently participated in a Walk to End Alzheimer’s fundraising event with the Alzheimer’s Association, in tandem with many of our other US offices. I love getting the opportunity to support my community and the causes that are important to me alongside my team and MP as a whole.

Stephanie Giraldo, Delivery Coordinator

Interested in joining our team?

Whether your business is looking to start new projects, recover past projects, or simply wants a dedicated partner to help achieve your goals, MIGSO-PCUBED can provide the resources, experienced team members, and unparalleled support to help you deliver organized, efficient, and successful projects. Contact us to learn more.

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