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(Detroit, MI) – MIGSO-PCUBED is a Michigan-based project management company, supporting the greater Detroit metro area and beyond. With more than 30 offices around the globe, we are the world’s leading consultancy dedicated to project, program, portfolio, and change management. 

Our US-based headquarters, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, was founded in 1994, and grew out of the automotive industry. Since our founding, we have expanded to support thousands of clients across the Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Transportation, Financial Services, Energy, and Government industries as they have tackled some of their most complex initiatives. 

Haven’t heard of us just yet? We are sometimes referred to as a best-kept secret in project management. However, looking at lagging overall project delivery track records, that is something we wish to change. Our goal is to help organizations successfully deliver their projects.

So what makes us unique? To answer that, we caught up with several members of our team to discuss.

Table of Contents

Enabling Project Delivery with Joz

“I’m so proud of the way that our team has been able to help and address some of our client’s biggest challenges over the past few years. Our clients’ needs are always changing and evolving and we have been able to pivot and adapt right alongside them. 

Some key challenges that we help to address include of course ensuring the timely delivery of projects; but we are also helping clients to improve their processes, transition to more agile ways of working, and improve their business intelligence.”

“So often today our clients know that they need to make a change in order to improve their business and their ways of working, but they don’t know where to start. One of the ways that we like to help is through our Lean Innovation practice

We run workshops with our clients to identify a few improvement opportunities and then bring in the teams to innovate solutions to improve, test, and pilot before rolling out to the organization. The mantra is Think Big, Start Small, Adapt Fast. 

Our focus is on delivering benefits quicker to the organization whether that is to eliminate time-consuming tasks, reduce duplicate efforts, or even identify cost savings. For one client, we were able to utilize Lean Project Delivery practices innovation to identify $82.9m in project savings, reduce labor hours by 54% and improve lead times by 61%.”

“The second key area we are helping our clients is with transitioning to more agile ways of work. We were recently called in to help a local client of ours who was implementing improvements to their global Product Development Framework. Without a centralized Enterprise PMO, the customer was struggling to coordinate, plan, and execute the suite of changes against their portfolio of in-flight and future vehicle programs. 

We formalized a Transformation PMO to better facilitate global communications, instituted governance to have control of the overall timing, helped them pivot to Agile, built dashboards to improve visibility and supported each release with training and communications to encourage adoption and usage.

The resulting project is in control, the sprints or increments are successful, and the management team has the visibility now to drive the project where it needs to go.”

“The third key area that we help our clients is with Digital Dashboard solutions; a growing service of ours. Clients are struggling with accessing and analyzing, i.e. making use of their data to drive decisions. 

Last year we helped another client looking to improve the quality of their test reports and reduce outsourced spending. We deployed a team of consultants, knowledgeable in both Agile and in Data Architecture, to create a business intelligence dashboard for the engineering departments. 

Since the dashboard’s deployment, management can easily spot issues and act quickly in resolving any testing delays. Utilization has also increased across all the labs, meaning vehicles can launch quicker which is really where the value comes in.”

“Finally, I would point out that most recently we have seen an uptick in the amount of Agile training that we have been requested to lead. As a Bronze-level Scaled Agile Partner, our team of SAFe Program Consultants and Release Train Engineers help clients transform their organizations to newer ways of working, driving Business Agility and customer-centricity through both training and Agile Coaching. We actually just led a series of training sessions to get over 150 employees certified in Scaling Agile for a client organization. It was quite impressive.”

Joz Gomoll, Business Unit Director

For help in Scaled Agile Training or Agile Coaching:

Supporting Professional Development with Rich

“I am blown away with our team’s ability to successfully offer high quality training and high engagement workshops. I am currently leading the Development, Innovation, and Performance of Services (DI&PS) practice here in the United States, focused on driving innovation, leadership and capability development within our teams. Delivering quality training via the web has become a competitive advantage for our organization.

In March of 2020, we too, like many other companies, pivoted to offering workshops in a virtual setting to continue to upskill our consultants and clients. Through the gallant efforts of this team, we were able to expand our training offerings across 10 different, and some new, topics, addressing challenges and skills required in this post pandemic environment. We also increased the quantity of training sessions offered, scaling to reach our 175 employees across 15 virtual workshops without sacrificing quality.

Transitioning to virtual workshops allowed our consultants to connect and collaborate across North America with hands-on activities during breakout sessions. Notably, these workshops continued to average 4.5 out of 5 stars, our previous in person workshop score. I am proud to announce that through everyone’s efforts in 2021, we certified a total of 51 SAFe Scrum Masters and 13 PMP’s.”

But that was not all. We also rolled out LinkedIn Learning accounts to all our employees to further diversify our training offerings. In recognition of our investment in the learning and development of our teams, MIGSO-PCUBED received the “Best Culture of Learning” designation at the LinkedIn Talent Awards.”

Rich Weller, DI&PS Director

Investing in Our Community and in New Technology with Jami

“At MP, we truly believe in the value of project management expertise. We know that by continuing to invest in our people, in the community, new technology, and continuing to deliver great services for our clients, that we can help ensure that future projects will be successful.

But we also know that we cannot do that alone. We rely on a wide partner network to better ensure project success. We are a long-time partner of the Project Management Institute, affording our consultants the opportunity to earn PDU’s, and stay up-to-date on changes and advancements in our industry. 

We also partner with Industry-based organizations like the Aerospace Industry Association of Michigan, who are focused on advancing Michigan’s aerospace footprint. Leveraging our expertise within our Aerospace engagements in Montreal, Mobile, Alabama and across the pond in Europe, as well as our Automotive Project Management experience, we are well positioned to help Michigan based Aerospace companies succeed.

Our lengthiest partnership though has actually been with Microsoft. We are a Microsoft Gold Partner, with in-house PPM Solutions expertise, helping to make Office 365, Teams, and Microsoft Project implementations more successful.”

“While we utilize the Microsoft suite of tools internally at MIGSO-PCUBED we actually pride ourselves on being PPM tool agnostic. We know that each client organization has different project management technology in use. We work with our partners like Planisware to ensure that our team is certified, our clients can make the best use of the features available, and that we can use stored project data to keep projects on track.

Finally, I’d like to highlight our investment and partnership in a start-up Meeting Assistant technology company Sembly AI. Sembly records, transcribes, and generates smart meeting summaries across platforms offering significant benefits to project teams. It just goes to show how much the Project Management field is innovating and advancing right now.”

Jami Anderson, Special Projects Manager

Expanding Our US Footprint with Dermot

“When you think about it, the amount of time that teams spend today preparing for, sitting in, and following up after project meetings is likely more than 50% of an organization’s time with remote and hybrid working. Sembly AI will allow you to take the rather unstructured format of a meeting, voice and chat, and structure all that data into a format that can be leveraged by project teams. We see this as a true differentiator for the Digital PMO and were excited to be able to invest in this startup company.

The success stories that we have with our clients that Joz highlighted, the investment we are making in our people, the investment in our practices and methodologies that Rich touched on, new technology like Sembly AI, our infrastructure, we haven’t even talked about our new office, it’s an exciting time here at MIGSO-PCUBED. 

In 2021 we at MP focused on rebuilding and expanding as we emerged from COVID. Our staff here doubled in size. To meet the needs of our expanding staff, as well as to modernize the office, we renovated our Ann Arbor space. We added collaborative areas, coworking locations, and improved our office technology, while retaining individual offices for privacy. This allowed our staff the flexibility to transition comfortably from remote to in office work and vice versa. 

We also modified some of our existing office spaces to meet the latest needs of our staff and industry, such as adding a Media Room to produce video content and a Mother’s room for nursing mothers.

Ultimately, I’m so impressed with our team’s dedication to excellence. Whether that be our consultants in their effortless shift to a hybrid work schedule while continuing to offer excellence in service to our clients; or to our internal team for continuing to invest in our people, our practices and methodology, our technology, and our infrastructure.

It’s people like this that have helped us become a trusted partner to leading companies as well as be recognized as a Best and Brightest company to work for over 10 years running. It’s what keeps me excited about our future.”

Dermot Brannock, United States Country Manager

Whether your business is looking to start new projects, recover past projects, or simply wants a dedicated partner to help achieve your goals, MIGSO-PCUBED can provide the resources, experienced team members, and unparalleled support to help you deliver organized, efficient, and successful projects. Contact us to learn more.

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