Empower your
CSR experience

Committing to our planet

Zero waste initiatives all over the world.

From Los Angeles to Bristol, from Paris to Toronto, our teams are getting together to take part in zero-waste initiatives and other actions to help protect our planet.

A moment of sharing and kindness for a good cause.

Find out more about our people’s CSR initiatives on:

Investing in a fairer world

Talking sessions among colleagues and awareness challenges.

Whether it’s through challenges to show our support for a more inclusive, diverse and equal world; or through exchanges and discussions led by our EDI communities (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion), every employee can take action at their own level and get involved in making the world a fairer place.

Find out more about our people’s CSR initiatives at:

Acting for well-being

Charity events, races, and much more.

Our employees, wherever they work, are proud to be involved in supporting causes that benefit the health and well-being of everyone, through their participation in charity challenges and races.

But there’s more to well-being than that. Our well-being communities raise awareness and propose actions around well-being and health at work.

Find out more about our people’s CSR initiatives at:

Our CSR commitments

Our CSR program has three core pillars,
each containing a portfolio of goals and projects, based on the ISO 26000 standards

Here are a some examples of actions. 

Explore other aspects of our culture

Apply now &
join our teams

At MP, each new employee is immersed in the company culture from the moment they arrive.
Our onboarding process helps new joiners gain a better understanding of the contex, challenges,
and issues to be faced on a daily basis and to become a real part of our teams.

So don’t hesitate, come and join us!

Bureaux Nantes

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