MP sign the Inclusive Culture Pledge 2022 with EW Group

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London, United Kingdom – MIGSO-PCUBED (MP) have signed the Inclusive Culture Pledge 2022 with EW Group. The Pledge is a public commitment to building a more inclusive workplace culture.

Our Commitment to Building an Inclusive Culture

MIGSO-PCUBED has joined leading companies from a range of sectors and industries in signing the Inclusive Culture Pledge in 2022, an initiative managed by diversity consultancy The EW Group.

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are becoming increasingly important for both employers and employees. Research has shown that diverse businesses are 35% more likely to financially outperform their industry’s national average. For potential job hunters, 67% now consider a diverse workforce is an important factor when considering job offers.

Joining the Pledge is a public commitment that we take diversity and inclusion seriously and that we understand the need to provide our employees with a safe, fair and supportive place to work. We’re looking forward to the events provided as part of the Pledge, which will ensure we work at the cutting edge of diversity and inclusion. We believe that this initiative will benefit our staff, customers and stakeholders. “We are excited to participate in this yearlong initiative that provides us with the opportunity to further our commitment to our inclusive culture.” said Sharon Walsh, Head of HR.

MIGSO-PCUBED's pledge for 2022:

“We will continue to strive to shape and nurture a culture where everyone is valued; where inclusiveness is a reflex, not an initiative and where EDI underpins our values and everything we do. With passion and understanding, we will unfold the complexities of the EDI agenda, raising awareness across the workforce, creating a safe space for open dialogue and enabling everybody to play their part."

Inclusive Culture Pledge 2022
EW Group Inclusive Culture Pledge Badge 2022

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