From Paris to Bucharest and from consultant to Business Manager: a relocation story at MIGSO-PCUBED

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Discover how Xavier Tribollet contributed to the development of our Bucharest’s Hub after moving from Paris to Bucharest!

MIGSO-PCUBED: What is your background at MIGSO-PCUBED and what made you want to move from a consultant to a Business Manager?

Xavier TRIBOLLET: I joined MIGSO-PCUBED Paris in 2018 after moving from Grenoble, where I was an entrepreneur. I began as a consultant in the automotive industry and stayed in this position for two years, working on two different projects for the same client.

Despite enjoying the PMO job, I missed some of the entrepreneurial spirit and wanted to find that again. Entrepreneurship comes in many shapes, one of which was to become a Business Manager in MP.


MP: Why did you move from Paris to Bucharest?

Xavier: My goal at the beginning of 2021 was to become a Business Manager, and in the process Bucharest, Romania came up during conversations. MP needed a local representative for the opening of our new MP Romanian hub. I genuinely think it took me less than 5 minutes to make up my mind. We were post covid/quarantine and I was given the opportunity to take on a job and assume responsibilities that fitted perfectly with what I was looking for.


MP: Any advice for anyone looking to relocate?

Xavier: Moving is an opportunity and I don’t think you have to overthink it for it to work out: you need to trust your instincts, be well supported by your relatives, build on the existing strengths and embrace the local differences. Just hop on the train! Then, it’s up to you to put all things necessary in place to ensure your move is a success.  


MP: How was your move to Romania?

Xavier: I have not really faced any challenges worth mentioning, blending in was pretty easy in Romania. Their culture is similar to France, since they’re located in Europe. Nevertheless, there are many specifics to efficient management, which is why we immediately identified local management.

I’m enjoying Romania a lot. There are many French and English speakers, which makes it easier for me to meet and bond with people. Also, it’s a Latin culture, it is naturally quite welcoming.


MP: What projects are MP Romania working on at the moment?

As of today, we mainly work in the automotive sector. The tightening of European regulations regarding pollution and the Ukrainian crisis have disrupted our clients’ projects and their course. Our main local client is no exception.

Today more than ever, our clients need a reactive and proactive driving force to face these challenges and our very unstable environment. That is where MIGSO-PCUBED helps.


MP: What are the 2023 goals for our Bucharest hub?

Xavier: We recently passed the 50-person mark. We will continue our development and diversify ourselves in other local industrial sectors. We look forward to working in the Romanian industrial area.

Additionally, we need to continue structuring and perfecting our still very new organization. Building solid bases is essential for us to be able to support our ambition and our future growth.

It is only the beginning for MP Romania, trust me!


MP: What do you like the most about your job at MP?

Xavier: As do many people, what I like the most is the pace and the vast range of missions and sectors we can explore. Also, the people I work with daily make all the difference: the MP DNA is very strong. We work together, fail sometimes, help each other and succeed together. I think our success comes from our culture of excellence and our team spirit.

I think by mixing a culture of excellence with solidarity, we can achieve anything.

I try to build and convey this to our clients in Bucharest, to whom MP was almost completely unknown back in 2021, and to our team as well.


MP: After 5 years in MP, do you have a memory or an achievement you’re especially proud of and that you would like to share?

Xavier: I often think back to my first trip to Romania, in 2021. All the people involved in the creation of the hub were coming to visit. It was a peculiar moment: we were all feeling focused and excited at the same time.

Unil now, this adventure has been lived at a distance, but now it has become very real and tangible. Suddenly, I’ve realized this move is going to change the course of my live and my career. Anyways, I knew I was going to give it my all.

I’m proud of what we have built so far, especially with my team. People are amazing and aligned with MP’s ambition and values.


MP: Thank you very much Xavier for sharing your story at MP with us!|

xavier tribollet

Xavier Tribollet

Business Unit Manager

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