Case Study: Making the Switch in Aerospace

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Production lead times for aircraft are at an all-time high. Manufacturers are working hard to balance both an increase in production to reduce lead times, while also ensuring that the latest innovations are available in their products. When one of the world’s leading manufacturers of planes was looking to switch suppliers during its production ramp-up phase, they turned to MIGSO-PCUBED for project management support.

MIGSO-PCUBED was brought on board to manage the mid-stream supplier change during the critical transition between certification and first client delivery of their highly anticipated new program, minimizing the impact of this large scale change. 

MIGSO-PCUBED took ownership of the existing project management toolset, revamping to improve ease of use and to highlight critical priorities for the project team. Establishing key focal points for communication, clear key performance indicators with the supplier and reinforcing the governance cadence, allowed the team to secure the program transition’s success.

MIGSO-PCUBED’s project management expertise provided for clear visibility and tracking to senior management on critical milestones, controlled the budget while mitigating financial impacts and risks, and ensured supplier’s proficiency and readiness through day-to-day governance.

Read also: our guide What is a PMO?

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