The Team Makes Top 10 in UK Challenge

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Set against the picturesque backdrop of Snowdonia in Northwest Wales, the MIGSO-PCUBED UK team returned to compete in the 2019 UK Challenge. This year the team triumphed against strong competition, earning 9th place overall.

The UK Challenge is a team based competition that pits more than 500 companies against each other. The series of challenges are designed to test both their physical and mental endurance, as well as the limits of their teamwork. Variety is the name of the game, as the teams compete in treasure hunts, code breaking, orienteering, cycling and kayaking.

Naturally, the scale of the challenge calls for an experienced leader, so our team was headed up by our UK General Manager, Richard Siddle.

“Every stage tested our core skills,” said Siddle, “And we also needed strategies for each stage, intelligence to solve all the brain challenges, compassion, patience, and humility, but most of all extraordinary teamwork.”

Bristol to London Bike Ride

To train for the competition, the team set an ambitious goal of cycling from our Bristol office to the UK HQ in London – a distance of 142 miles.

To put this in perspective, the combined miles traveled by the team would have been enough to take them to Iceland, Greece, or Africa!

Apart from training for the UK Challenge, the true purpose of the 15-hour bike ride was to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Click here to donate to our Teenage Cancer Trust fundraiser.

Both events proved successful and the team had a great time. Here’s to our 2020 team.

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