A Day at the Botanical Gardens

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On Saturday, June 8th, a few members of our San Francisco-based MIGSO-PCUBED team spent the day volunteering at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens. Once a month, volunteers are invited to join a professional horticulturist with maintaining the Garden’s collections. Volunteers may be asked to participate in maintenance activities including weeding, laying mulch, planting, clearing pathways, or other special projects.

On this specific occasion, the team worked in the South African themed garden and helped with weeding of invasive plants. The horticulturist was very informative, highlighting each of the various types of animals that live throughout the Botanical garden, and how South African plants and trees have spread all across San Francisco since they were first introduced.

If you are interested in volunteering at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens you may register on their website. There is a fee to volunteer, however, all fees contribute directly to the cost of materials, tools, training, and of course project management. We thank @SanFranciscoBotanicalGarden for the opportunity to give back to the community.

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