Corporate Partnership with the Association for Project Management

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 London, United Kingdom – MIGSO-PCUBED are corporate partners of the Association for Project Management (APM) and have been since 2015.

The APM is the chartered body for the project profession, with over 30,000 individual members and more than 500 organisations participating in their Corporate Partnership Programme. The APM hosts a yearly awards ceremony where projects, individuals, and organisations from a broad range of sectors and countries are recognised and celebrated for their incredible achievements from that year.

MP won Project Management Consultancy of the Year in 2017 & 2018 and have been finalists in recent years . MP have also been finalists for:

APM’s CEO, Professor Adam Boddison, recently visited MP’s London office. They had a wide-ranging discussion covering their collaboration as a Corporate Partners, the APM’s strategy, and the importance of diversity, sustainability, technology, training, and wellbeing in the profession.

APM CEO photo
APM CEO visit to MP London office

MP’s involvement with the APM

Specific Interest Groups (SIGs) provide a forum where members and volunteers can discuss a particular aspect of project, programme, and portfolio management. MP has a number of representatives on SIG organising committees.

One of the APM’s largest events is the APM South West Conference. Since the inaugural event, MP has helped organise, sponsored, and held speaking slots at the event. They are involved in the 2022 event which will be held in Bristol.

MP has written several thought leadership and research articles. The most recent was supporting the collaborative research paper with the APM – Understanding Agile in Project Management. MP have also conducted guest lectures at various universities and apprenticeship undergraduate courses.

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