MIGSO-PCUBED Named Project Management Consultancy of the Year 2018

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The Association for Project Management (APM) Awards Dinner for 2018 were held Monday November 26th, in London, recognizing the best in projects and programmes across 19 categories.

MIGSO-PCUBED are delighted to have won APM’s Project Management Consultancy of the Year for the second year running.

In 2017 and 2018, we were named “Project Management Consultancy of the Year” by the Association for Project Management.

We won these awards by beating out the competition in terms of our organisation, our people and our culture.

Being an award-winning place to work isn’t special to us because of the professional kudos or status it may bring us, it’s special because it confirms what the people at MIGSO-PCUBED UK already knew – we are a truly different kind of company.

Our people, our services and respect for our clients set us apart from the competition, and we are proud to be the award-winning consultancy that award-winning organisations seek out.

Thank you to our consultants, clients and friends for making us an award-winning place to work!
To see all other winners, please access the APM website.

Consultancy of the Year
APM 2018 Project Management Consultancy of the Year

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