A definition of the 
Business Manager position

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Théophane and Thomas give us their perception of the Business Manager role. What is it? What are the missions encapsulated by this role? The answers to your questions are in this interview.

An entrepreneur inside of the company

Could you summarize your career before becoming a Business Manager?

Thomas: I began my career by doing an internship with a key player of the industrial sector, and then I joined MP as a consultant, working for an industrial client from the aerospace sector.

Théophane: Before becoming a Business Manager, I was a consultant for a few years, and also a Delivery Manager.

If you had to explain what a Business Manager is in just one sentence, what would you say?

Théophane: A Business Manager is an entrepreneur inside of the company.

Thomas: It’s someone that likes people and is capable of pushing every boundary to cater to the needs of their clients and consultants.

What are the soft skills necessary in this position?

Thomas: You need to communicate well, be curious, willing to discover many industries, an also to be empathetic. We only work with human beings: we are managers, but also in touch with the clients. Being empathetic allows us to really understand the clients’ needs. You also need to have the entrepreneurial spirit and to be able to keep your cool, as the job is full of twists and turns!

Théophane: I think communication is key: a true desire to exchange, to understand our clients’ issues. Also, being a good listener is important with our collaborators.

Handling business development, recruitment, and management

What does a Business Manager do?

Théophane: As a Business Manager, I have 3 missions. One is developing my business. One is identifying new talents to recruit. And the last one is managing my activities and those of my collaborators, as well as their career paths.

Since you are responsible for growing the business, can you reveal the recipe to a good proposal?

Théophane: A winning proposal is one that transmits our passion for project management and our capacity to accompany our clients.

Thomas: A real understanding of client, plus some creativity. It isn’t only about answering the needs expressed by the client, but you need to show him you can go way beyond.

What is your standard day like?

Thomas: As I am a young Business Manager, my standard day consists of identifying prospects, promising talent and contacting them to arrange a meeting. And then I try to close the deal.

Théophane: There is no standard day really. I often visit my clients to meet them. I try to always be in contact with my teams. Also, I spend some time searching for people to recruit and developing my business.

What do you like most about your job?

Thomas: Its human aspect and the twists and turns!

Théophane: What I like the most is the variety of challenges I’m faced with every day.

Thank you both for sharing your experience with us!

Théophane Pillu

Business Manager

Thomas Le Coq

Business Unit Manager

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