Delivering Change Management Training to the RSPB Wildlife Charity

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During the first lockdown of 2020, MIGSO-PCUBED delivered remote change management training to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), a well-known UK nature charity. As an organisation, they were transforming and wanted to manage those changes more effectively.

Founded in 1889, RSPB is the UK’s largest nature conservation charity. Their mission is to inspire everyone to give nature a home. The Head of Programmes at RSPB contacted MP as she was conscious of the constant stream of change across the organisation.  RSPB needed a cadre of programme managers, who were both skilled at making change stick and able to drive adoption levels around their new ways of working.

Bird sitting in tree
Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash

Through our Change Management services we at MP commit to not only deliver change management but to also transfer that knowledge to onsite teams, enabling our clients to better manage any future change programmes.

Given the pace and permanence of change, we recognise that sometimes it makes more sense for organisations to develop their own change management capability in house than to partner.

To support that endeavour, MP offers an APMG certified Change Management training course. As an Accredited Training Organisation (ATO),  we are recognised as an assured provider of exceptional service.

Back when the RSPB initially contacted us, a 5-day classroom-based training course was planned. Twelve delegates from across the charity’s country-wide locations were due to attend. We had worked closely with the client to find the best way to maximise their training budget and contribute to our corporate social responsibilities, something we at MP are passionate about.

Lockdown struck the week before one of our trainers was due to travel from Bristol to Bedford to deliver the training in person. Unfortunately, we had to no other option than to cancel the course.

However with the fantastic support of APMG International, the accreditation body, we received approval to adapt our approach and deliver the training remotely.

The course provided an excellent grounding in Change Management principles. Additionally, the course provided the opportunity through various breakout sessions to discuss the real-world application of the concepts taught. 

Upon conclusion of the APMG Change Management course, there are two formal examinations, which we invigilated remotely, ensuring that the strict exam conditions were met. 

Delegates who passed their exam received APMG Change Management Foundation and Practitioner certificates, along with a digital badge confirming their qualification.

In a period where everyone has been learning to adapt to new ways of working, the client really saw the benefit of bringing together individuals from all over the country without the need for travel. Not only was the remote training cost effective, the training delivery put everyone on an equal footing and allowed some much-loved pets to be part of the action. 

RSPB Change Management training

Delivery to a single organisation allowed for cross-pollination of ideas between different teams and roles, working towards a shared vision. Conversation in the breakout sessions focussed on practical, relevant change challenges the delegates were facing, creating avenues for support and further development back in the ‘office’.

It’s been a really useful course. Both consolidating my existing knowledge and topping it up with the theory and process. Will be really helpful in work.

This is a great way of formalising the change management practices that may exist within an organisation, introducing staff who are new to change management the core concepts and recognising the achievement of delegates with an accredited qualification. 

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