Happy at Work World 2024!

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We are delighted to announce that MIGSO-PCUBED has once again been awarded the Happy At Work World for 2024, based on feedback from our people after participating in the ChooseMyCompany assessment programme.

Of the more than 660 companies in 73 countries assessed by ChooseMyCompany as part of its Happy At Work survey, MIGSO-PCUBED ranks 5th worldwide.

The HappyIndex®AtWork accreditation is the first participative employer label to recognize and value excellence in management as well as employees’ commitment and satisfaction.

Only the top 10% of the companies that enter the certification process and offer their employees an excellent work environment are awarded the Happy At Work label. 

The label is based on employees’ feedback through a yearly survey that is participative, digital, and anonymous.

MIGSO-PCUBED is proud to be one of the Top 5 international companies with more than 500 employees, where employees are the most committed, motivated, and fulfilled.

More than 2,500 MIGSO-PCUBED team members addressed their personal experiences within the company, based on 6 major themes:

  • Professional development
  • Work environment
  • Management
  • Recognition
  • Purpose
  • CSR

For MIGSO-PCUBED, being certified Happy At Work World is a recognition of its commitment to a high-quality “People Excellence” HR policy, developed across all geographies and focused on empowering the employee experience.

Thank you to every one of our team members for their active participation in our company’s development and for enabling MIGSO-PCUBED to be a company in which everyone feels comfortable and happy working.though an annual digital survey that is participative and anonymous.

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